Anti-Corruption Compliance System

Metrostav DIZ s.r.o. (hereinafter “Metrostav DIZ” or the “Company”) takes the issue of compliance and anti-corruption very seriously and considers it to be of paramount importance to its business activities.

Metrostav DIZ has a zero tolerance policy towards corruption and crime in general. The Company does not tolerate any form of illegal or unethical behaviour and condemns such behaviour.

For the above reasons, Metrostav DIZ has developed and has at its disposal a sophisticated Anti-Corruption Compliance System, which combines elements of the international standard ISO 37301 (Compliance management systems) with elements of the international standard ISO 37001 (Anti-bribery management systems) and implements these elements in the Company’s organisational and management documentation.

The objective of the Anti-Corruption Compliance System is to prevent, detect and respond to conduct that shows signs of illegal or unethical conduct, corruption or conflicts of interest.

The Anti-Corruption Compliance System is built on two pillars. The first is the Company’s internal standard regulating the issue and binding both the Company’s employees and the Company itself. The system’s second pillar is the Anti-Corruption Compliance Policy, which is a binding Metrostav DIZ document that has effects both internally and externally to declare to all the Company’s business partners and third parties its commitment to the rules of compliance with legal regulations, the fight against corruption and bribery and the rules against conflicts of interest.

At the end of 2021, the Metrostav DIZ Anti-Corruption Compliance System was certified by an independent certification authority to confirm its compliance with the ISO 37301 and ISO 37001 international standards.

In order to ensure oversight of the implementation of the elements of the Anti-Corruption Compliance System, the Company established the position of Compliance Officer, to which it delegated the necessary powers in this area. The Compliance Officer’s main mission is to identify requirements for the effectiveness and functionality of the Anti-Corruption Compliance System and to monitor, analyse and evaluate its performance. In addition, the Compliance Officer also oversees the Company’s compliance with external regulatory and legal requirements.

In connection with the Anti-Corruption Compliance System, the Company has set up a special e-mail address,, which is used for the submission of proposals from entities in connection with the system’s functioning, and this e-mail address is administered by the Metrostav DIZ Compliance Officer.

Metrostav Group Code of Ethics and Metrostav Group Ethics Hotline

In addition to the internal Anti-Corruption Compliance System, Metrostav DIZ, as a member of the Metrostav Group, has adopted and implemented elements of the Metrostav Group’s Criminal Compliance Programme, including the Metrostav Group Code of Ethics and the Metrostav Group Ethics Hotline.

The Metrostav Group Code of Ethics is a binding document that expresses the Metrostav Group’s moral principles. It sets out the rules of conduct and behaviour for Group companies, their employees and associates.

The Metrostav Group Ethics Hotline is a tool for reporting inappropriate, unethical or illegal conduct in violation of the Metrostav Group Code of Ethics. Both Company employees and third parties outside the Company or the Metrostav Group can submit complaints through the Metrostav Group Ethics Hotline, which is available both on the website and via a telephone answering machine.

More information about the Metrostav Group Code of Ethics and the Metrostav Group Ethics Hotline can be found in this link.

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